Thursday, February 9, 2012

Can you think of Synonyms/Antonyms for these words?

*Aggravated- to annoy

*Suffice- to be enough or adequate

*Fisticuffs- a fight with the fists

*Infantile- babyish

*Antics- a playful trick or prank

*Lunged- jump towards something

*Replenish- filling something that is empty

Please answer A.S.A.P. Thanks you so much. 10 pts to longest list.Can you think of Synonyms/Antonyms for these words?

Synonyms: angry, intense, provoked, displeased, harassed, harried, irritated, nettled, peeved, pestered, pissed, riled, roiled, stung, troubled, vexed.

Antonyms: ameliorate, amend, better, improve, meliorate, pleased, amused, bucked up, delighted, diverted, encouraged, entertained, glad, gratified, happy, proud,


Synonyms: answer, do, capable, competent, decent, enough, equal to, fair to middling, passable, satisfactory, sufficient, up to

Antonyms: impassable, unnavigable, unsurmountable, untraversable, incapable, improperly, inadequate


Synonyms: boxing, fistfight, pugilism, slugfest, packing,

Antonyms: treaty, nonviolence, silent


Synonyms: baby, childish, immature, infant, young, juvenile

Antonyms: matured, fledged, old, ripe, aged,


Synonyms: caper, clown, clown around, fantastic, fantastical, grotesque, joke, prank, strange, trick, unusual, frivolity, harlequinade, buffoonery,

Antonyms: maladroit, serious, sober, real, sedate, sensible, severe, sincere, idle, still


Synonyms: hurl, hurtle, lurch, attack, thrust, drive, pierce, cast, pounce, spring

Antonyms: keep down, attract, draw in, pull in


Synonyms: refill, close, cram, make full, meet, occupy, replete, sate, satiate, satisfy, stuff, restock, reload,

Antonyms: empty, deprive, bare, looted, stripped, drained, depleteCan you think of Synonyms/Antonyms for these words?
aggravated (adj)

serious, worse, intensified, heightened

annoyed, angry, upset, worked up (informal), wound up (informal), put out, irritated, riled (informal), bothered, exasperated, frustrated, vexed

antonym: peaceful

suffice (v)

be sufficient, do, serve, suit, avail

antonym: inadequate

fisticuffs -

punch-up, fight, brawl, fist fight, scuffle, scrap (informal), set-to

.antonym: reconcile/ accept

infantile (adj)

childish, babyish, immature, puerile, juvenile, silly

antonym: mature

childhood, juvenile, infant, baby, youthful

antonym: adult

antics (n)

clowning, tricks, pranks, larks, frolics, capers, playfulness

behavior, actions, activities, tricks, conduct

.antonym: inaction/idle

lunge (v)

attack, dive, spring, leap, charge, pounce, plunge, pitch

grab, swipe, swing, thrust, stab, make for

antonym: recoil

replenish (v)

replace, refill, fill, stock up, restock, reload, top up

antonym: deplete

Encarta 庐 World English DictionaryCan you think of Synonyms/Antonyms for these words?
You've just listed all the synonyms! Doh!

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