Thursday, February 9, 2012

Can you give me the meaning , antonyms , and synonyms of the ''distraction''?

I need also the source .. :)) Thanks . :))Can you give me the meaning , antonyms , and synonyms of the ''distraction''?
1)The act of distracting
2)The state of being distracted
3)Mental distress
4)Amusement,diverse attention ie: Fishing is his only distraction.

Main Entry: distract
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: divert attention; confuse
Synonyms: abstract, addle, agitate, amuse, befuddle, beguile, bewilder, call away, catch flies, confound, derange, detract, discompose, disconcert, disturb, divert, draw away, engross, entertain, fluster, frenzy, harass, lead astray, lead away, madden, mislead, mix up, occupy, perplex, puzzle, sidetrack, stall, throw off, torment, trouble, turn aside, unbalance, unhinge
Antonyms: clarify, explain

Main Entry: agitate
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: disturb, trouble someone
Synonyms: alarm, argue, arouse, bug up, bug*, burn up, confuse, craze*, debate, discompose, disconcert, discuss, dispute, disquiet, distract, disturb, egg on, examine, excite, ferment, flurry, fluster, get to, incite, inflame, make flip, move, perturb, psych, push buttons, rouse, ruffle, spook, stimulate, stir, trouble, turn on, unhinge, upset, ventilate, work up, worry
Antonyms: calm, not bother, quiet, soothe
* = informal/non-formal usage

Main Entry: befuddle
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: confuse
Synonyms: addle, baffle, ball up, bewilder, bother, daze, disorient, distract , dumbfound, fluster, inebriate, intoxicate, make punchy, mix up, muddle, puzzle, shake, stupefy, throw off
Antonyms: clear up, explain

Main Entry: beguile
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: charm
Synonyms: amuse, attract, cheer, delight, distract , divert, engross, entertain, entice, knock dead, knock out, lure, occupy, seduce, send, slay, solace, sweep off one's feet, tickle, tickle pink, tickle to death, turn on, vamp, wow*

Main Entry: bewilder
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: confuse
Synonyms: addle, baffle, ball up, befuddle, bemuse, confound, daze, disconcert, distract , floor*, fluster, mess with one's head, mix up, muddle, mystify, perplex, puzzle, rattle, snow*, stump, stupefy, throw, upset
Antonyms: clear up, explain, orient
* = informal/non-formal usage

Main Entry: cloud
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: confuse
Synonyms: addle, becloud, befuddle, disorient, distort, distract , impair, muddle, muddy, obscure, perplex, puzzle
Antonyms: clear up, explain, explicate

Main Entry: confuse
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: bewilder someone
Synonyms: abash, addle, amaze, astonish, baffle, becloud, bedevil, befuddle, bemuse, cloud, clutter, complicate, confound, darken, daze, demoralize, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, discountenance, disorient, distract , embarrass, faze, fluster, fog, frustrate, fuddle, involve, lead astray, mess up*, misinform, mislead, mortify, muddle, mystify, nonplus, obscure, perplex, perturb, puzzle, rattle, render uncertain, shame, stir up, stump, throw off, throw off balance, trouble, unhinge, unsettle, upset, worry
Antonyms: clarify, clear up, enlighten, explain
* = informal/non-formal usage

Main Entry: craze
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: make insane
Synonyms: bewilder, confuse, dement, derange, distemper, distract , drive mad, enrage, frenzy, infatuate, inflame, madden, unbalance, unhinge
Antonyms: balance, clear up, steady

Main Entry: daze
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: confuse, shock
Synonyms: addle, amaze, astonish, astound, befog, befuddle, benumb, bewilder, blind, blur, confound, dazzle, disorder, distract , dizzy, dumbfound, flabbergast, fuddle, mix up, muddle, mystify, numb, overpower, overwhelm, paralyze, perplex, petrify, puzzle, rock, stagger, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise
Antonyms: expect

Main Entry: derange
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: make crazy; confuse
Synonyms: confound, craze*, dement, disarrange, disarray, discommode, discompose, disconcert, disorder, disorganize, displace, distract , disturb, drive mad, frenzy, madden, make insane, mess up*, misplace, muss, perplex, ruffle, rummage, unbalance, unhinge, unsettle, upset

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