are antonyms for the words journal and runway?
nouns don't usually have antonyms.
Journal= internet blog
runaway= stay home
idk!What are antonyms for the words journal and runway?
nonjournal!?! nonrunway?!?
umm... nouns rarely have antonyms. opposits, yes... antonyms, noWhat are antonyms for the words journal and runway?
An antonym for runway would be a parking lot or a plain. A runway is a narrow course and the opposite of it would be a wide course.
Journal is much harder; a journal is a diary or a newspaper or a periodical magazine or publication. So any form of writing you can think of from a blog to an account's spreadsheet would be a form of a journal.
Gossip would be the best antonym that I can think of; it is usually not written down, it is unreliable and it is often not well researched.
According to Wikipedia:
"The term antonym (and the related antonymy) has also been commonly used as a term that is synonymous with opposite."
According to Wikipedia:
"A journal (through French from late Latin diurnalis, daily) has several related meanings:
* a daily record of events or business; a private journal is usually referred to as a diary.
* a newspaper or other periodical, in the literal sense of one published each day;
* many publications issued at stated intervals, such as magazines, or scholarly academic journals, or the record of the transactions of a society, are often called journals. Although journal is sometimes used as a synonym for "magazine," in academic use, a journal refers to a serious, scholarly publication, most often peer-reviewed. A non-scholarly magazine written for an educated audience about an industry or an area of professional activity is usually called a professional magazine."
According to Wikipedia:
"A runway (RWY) is a strip of land on an airport, on which aircraft can take off and land."
Antonyms are usually used to describe rather than a name or noun.
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