Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is meant by persistence and what is the antonyms for that word?

I have heard it described as stick-to-it-ivness.

Perseverance, Determination, doggedness, diligence, resolution.

Tenacity, staying power.

Opposite would be Vacillation, wavering, fickle.What is meant by persistence and what is the antonyms for that word?
persistent:--(adj)1a/ persisting or inclined to persist in a course of

action etc.

b/ continuing or recurring.

c/ continuing to exist in spite of interference or


2/remaining beyond the usual period.

3a/remaining without change or structure.

b/of a structure characterstic of a young or larval

stage: remaining in the adult.



Antonyms of the word persistence:-- cessation,idleness,inertia,laziness,proc鈥?and sloth.

persistence (stick-to-it-iveness) is the tendency to keep on trying.

the antonym would be

Defeatism the acceptance of defeat without struggleWhat is meant by persistence and what is the antonyms for that word?
persistence is determination. when you persist at something, you're not giving up.

hesitance might work as an antonym.What is meant by persistence and what is the antonyms for that word?
look it upon it'll help. :)

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