Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Coudl you give me synonyms and antonyms for the fallowing words?

1. diminutive

2. exasperation

3. fetid

4. pallor


6.ruefullyCoudl you give me synonyms and antonyms for the fallowing words?
"Main Entry: diminutive

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: tiny

Synonyms: Lilliputian, bantam, bitsy*, bitty*, button*, little, midget, mini, miniature, minute, peewee*, petite, pint-sized, pocket, pocket-sized, pygmy, small, teensy*, teensy-weensy*, teeny*, teeny-weeny*, undersize, wee*, weeny*

Antonyms: big, enormous, gigantic, huge, large"

"Main Entry: exasperation

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: upset

Synonyms: aggravation, anger, annoyance, besetment, bother, botheration, displeasure, exacerbation, fury, ire, irritant, irritation, nuisance, passion, pest, pique, plague, provocation, rage, resentment, vexation, wrath

Antonyms: delight, pleasure"

"Main Entry: fetid

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: foul

Synonyms: corrupt, fusty, grody*, gross*, icky*, loathsome, lousy, malodorous, mephitic, noisome, noxious, offensive, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, smelly, stenchy, stinking, stinky, strong, yecchy*, yucky*

Antonyms: aromatic, fragrant, fresh, sweet"

"Main Entry: pallor

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: paleness

Synonyms: achromatic, bloodlessness, cadaverousness, colorlessness, etiolation, pallidity, pastiness, sallowness, wanness, whiteness"

"Main Entry: plunder

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: stolen goods

Synonyms: boodle, booty, goods*, graft, hot goods*, hot items, loot, make*, pickings*, pillage, plunderage, prey, prize, quarry, rapine, raven, spoil, squeeze, stuff*, swag, take*, things, trappings*, tricks, winnings*"

"Synonyms of ruefully: atoning, attritional, compunctious, conciliatory, contrite, expiatory, explanatory, penitent, penitential, propitiatory, regretful, remorseful, repentant, rueful, self-effacing, self-incriminating, sorry, supplicating

Antonyms: defensive, defiant, recalcitrant, self-righteous, stubborn"Coudl you give me synonyms and antonyms for the fallowing words?
I will follow each word with synonyns and then with antonyms:

1. diminutive = small, little big, large, gigantic, humongous

2. exasperation = frustrated calm, satisfied

3. fetid = putrid, rotten, decaying ripe, fresh

4. pallor (should be pallid; pallor is a noun, not an adjective) = white, pale tanned

5. plunder = stolen goods, booty

wages, salary (what you earn)

6. ruefully = sadly cheerfully, happily

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