1. diminutive
2. exasperation
3. fetid
4. pallor
6.ruefullyCoudl you give me synonyms and antonyms for the fallowing words?
"Main Entry: diminutive
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: tiny
Synonyms: Lilliputian, bantam, bitsy*, bitty*, button*, little, midget, mini, miniature, minute, peewee*, petite, pint-sized, pocket, pocket-sized, pygmy, small, teensy*, teensy-weensy*, teeny*, teeny-weeny*, undersize, wee*, weeny*
Antonyms: big, enormous, gigantic, huge, large"
"Main Entry: exasperation
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: upset
Synonyms: aggravation, anger, annoyance, besetment, bother, botheration, displeasure, exacerbation, fury, ire, irritant, irritation, nuisance, passion, pest, pique, plague, provocation, rage, resentment, vexation, wrath
Antonyms: delight, pleasure"
"Main Entry: fetid
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: foul
Synonyms: corrupt, fusty, grody*, gross*, icky*, loathsome, lousy, malodorous, mephitic, noisome, noxious, offensive, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, smelly, stenchy, stinking, stinky, strong, yecchy*, yucky*
Antonyms: aromatic, fragrant, fresh, sweet"
"Main Entry: pallor
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: paleness
Synonyms: achromatic, bloodlessness, cadaverousness, colorlessness, etiolation, pallidity, pastiness, sallowness, wanness, whiteness"
"Main Entry: plunder
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: stolen goods
Synonyms: boodle, booty, goods*, graft, hot goods*, hot items, loot, make*, pickings*, pillage, plunderage, prey, prize, quarry, rapine, raven, spoil, squeeze, stuff*, swag, take*, things, trappings*, tricks, winnings*"
"Synonyms of ruefully: atoning, attritional, compunctious, conciliatory, contrite, expiatory, explanatory, penitent, penitential, propitiatory, regretful, remorseful, repentant, rueful, self-effacing, self-incriminating, sorry, supplicating
Antonyms: defensive, defiant, recalcitrant, self-righteous, stubborn"Coudl you give me synonyms and antonyms for the fallowing words?
I will follow each word with synonyns and then with antonyms:
1. diminutive = small, little big, large, gigantic, humongous
2. exasperation = frustrated calm, satisfied
3. fetid = putrid, rotten, decaying ripe, fresh
4. pallor (should be pallid; pallor is a noun, not an adjective) = white, pale tanned
5. plunder = stolen goods, booty
wages, salary (what you earn)
6. ruefully = sadly cheerfully, happily
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