Thursday, January 19, 2012

How the heck am I supposed to find antonyms for these words?

My History teacher gave us a definition project. We have to find the definition, synonym, antonym, and draw a pictures for 30 words.

But, some of the words are like New England, tariff, economy, debt, and minutemen! How do you find antonyms for words like that?How the heck am I supposed to find antonyms for these words?
Here are the antonyms you requested:

New England: England (as in the country with London as its capital - you might call it "old England")

Tariff: Export subsidy

Economy: Wastefulness (that is, if "economy" is defined as frugality and efficiency in the expenditure of money or resources)

Debt: Credit

Minutemen: You got me there. Maybe soldiers on leave who aren't ready at a minute's notice for battle.

I hope this helps. If not, you can always check out which also has synonyms and antonyms. It's a good resource which I often use myself.

If you don't find something there then just fake it. An antonym only has to be the opposite in one aspect.How the heck am I supposed to find antonyms for these words?
I would just leave that part out and do the rest of the question.How the heck am I supposed to find antonyms for these words?
antonym means opposite so imagine you are alice through the looking glass and need to find an objects opposite. New england was ...what? synonym means same might be what other ner world colonly was being founded by england. New or Old England with maps insteaad of other illustratioons SAme with tariff "tariffs taxes on every deliscious goodie that crossed the ocean then what does a smuggler do".. "economyeconomy might be what happened to roanoke "perhaps debt what emphasis did debt have upon new england was it about bond servants " "minutemen what was their opposite numbers in battle"
No offense to your teacher, but that is a pretty lame assignment. New England: ant.- England; Tariff: syn-tax ant.-free trade; Debt: syn-deficit ant.-surplus; minutemen: syn-militia, ant.-English army (red coats). I don't know if those are great matches, but I'm guessing not many people in your class will have anything much better.

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