Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to memorize vocabulary words and memorize synonyms and antonyms?

Make flash cards! Shuffle them and test yourself. When you have a word memorized put that card in a completed pile. And just keep going over them.

It's not original, but it works.

I started doing this (and the technique below) in college and I went up to a 4.0!

Another (unrelated) study habit that works: if you have a professor that tests on his/her lectures, use two notebooks for the class. One for taking notes in class. Since a lot of the time we use shorthand and abbreviations in order to keep up the lecture, WITHIN 24 HOURS you need to re-write your notes in FULL Sentences without abbreviations in the 2nd notebook. It sounds OCD, but I went from a C and D student to STRAIGHT A's. (The reason this works is because when test time comes around you won't have to figure out what all those abbreviations mean or what that partial sentence was trying to say.)

These work.How to memorize vocabulary words and memorize synonyms and antonyms?
what i do is make notecards (to test myself), do things. say the defination of a word is tears or sobbing, i actually do it. that's what helps me. or, like some people, you have a photographic memory. hope this helps! :)How to memorize vocabulary words and memorize synonyms and antonyms?

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